What is mudras
In Sanskrit mudras mean “Seal” and hand mudras mean “hand seal”. Hand mudras are used in many yogic practices for promoting healthy well being and its also used in many spiritual practices. The origin of hand mudra is rooted back in Indian civilization. These gestures were seen in classical dance form originated in northern Indian known as ‘”Kathak” and were used as a medium of expression of joy and happiness. It is also used in many forms of meditation techniques by many yogic gurus from ages.
How it works ?
our body is made of five elements which are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space any imbalance in this disrupts our immunity and causes disease. Deficiency of these elements can be restored by connecting fingers to the thumb . Each finger represents one element.
Thumb represents Fire element
The index finger represents Air element
Middle finger represents Space element
The ring finger represents the Earth element
The little finger represents the Water element
When a finger representing an element comes in contact with a thumb that element is balanced out and therefore curing the disease caused by the imbalance. Mudras create electromagnetic current into the body which helps in balancing the elements in our body. The gesture of joining a certain finger with thumb creates minute repel like effect in our body which cures the disease of the roots.
There are over 100 of mudras which has a healing quality. These gestures were used in ancient times as a self-healing practice. Mudras stimulate the flow of vital energy through various nerve channels of the body . It awakens the cosmic energy. It connects the soul to its supreme form by creating pranic forces in our body and helps in spiritual awakening.
Mudras can cure any disease from day to day problems such as acidity, gas trouble to many lifestyle diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.
Constant practice of hand mudra can slow down many destructive changes in our body. Daily practising at least for 45 min in the form of meditation can bring positive changes in the body making it stronger and more immune towards disease.
As they always say it is in our hands to take care of our body